Uncategorized April 7, 2010

National Realtor Open House Weekend

Uncategorized April 7, 2010

Rent Vs Own

Uncategorized February 10, 2010

If You’re Interested in a Current Market Analysis on Your Home….

Uncategorized January 25, 2010

More Incentives and Down Payment Assistance Programs

Hey Buyers out there, there are tax credits for new as well as existing home owners! Congress extended the previous tax credit of $8,000 for new home buyers as well as created an additional tax credit for current home owners as long as LONG AS you have a contract in place by 4/30/10 and are closed by 6/30/2010.

You should get a hopping if you wish to take advantage of this tax credit. Interest rates are UNDER 5% again but who knows how long that will last!

Uncategorized December 14, 2009

Food for Thought About Interest Rates!

More information for Buyers who have been thinking about moving off the fence. Marc Roth, Business Week, has an interesting article about the future of interest rates. In his world, that future is not good. We’ll have to see what happens but in my world, this means these interest rates today should be drawing more buyers in.


Uncategorized December 14, 2009

Seasonal Activity Increases Along with Snow Flurries

Uncategorized December 14, 2009

Interest Rates at Historic Lows

It is time for Buyers to seriously consider stepping up and buying a house RIGHT NOW! Rates are low, prices are low, opportunities for Buyers abound. Read the following article and if you know of anyone thinking about buying real estate right now, please send them my way. I promise to take outstanding care of them.

From the Seattle Times, a great article.


Uncategorized November 19, 2009

And here’s more information about the Tax Credit!

Uncategorized November 19, 2009

New Tax Credit Rules-First Timers & Moveuppers!

Uncategorized November 18, 2009

Food Drive Total for Our Office